Complimentary Services Include
Advocacy for microwave injured veterans
Assess the likelihood of microwave injury
Improve communication between microwave injured veterans and primary care providers
Seek legislative revision to 38 C.F.R.
Est. 4 Million Microwave Injured Veterans in the U.S.
Find out if you are one of them. Click Here
Adverse Biological Effects
Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms
Yan-Hui Hao-Li Zhao-Rui-Yun Peng - Military Medical Research - 2015
"Exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RF) non-ionizing radiation may cause bodily injury (e.g. burns) under exceptional circumstances. Cardiac pace makers may be affected. Note, this was primarily a risk while in close proximity to the antenna and the antenna coupler area during active signal transmission (Also see, Gaily 1987)"
Loran Report, 2011.
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), p12.
Veteran #1
Veteran #2

©Copyright MIVN 2019
Veteran #1: Multiple Close Proximity Microwave Injury
White Matter Disease
Denatured Pineal Gland
Compromised Blood-Brain Barrier
©Copyright MIVN 2019
Veteran #2: Multiple Close Proximity Microwave Injury
Denatured Pineal Gland
Compromised Blood-Brain Barrier
Biological Mechanisms
Exclusion Zone due to photon charged molecular redistribution


© Copyright MIVN 2019

© Copyright MIVN 2019
Microwave Injury Causes Oxidative Stress
DNA breaks: Due to vibrational water molecule rotation and reorientation in response to the multiple photon sources from collocated microwave devices. Collocation of microwave devices can increase the chances of DNA breaks within the multiple radiation lobes.
MIVN believes that the Undiagnosed Illnesses category at the VA is consistent with the very distinct and known microwave injury pathology. Benefits are only awarded to Gulf War veterans when in reality the injuries likely began in 1947 with the widespread deployment and use of microwave radars. There is a possibility that the Gulf War highlighted the problem because a glut of collocated microwave devices had likely sent too much photon energy down range. This is where the SSPW chart mindset may be dangerous to U.S. forces.
(Left) Free radicals stealing electrons. This is the process of electro-ionization and it is caused by what was formerly thought of as non-ionizing radiation. Collocated microwave radiation is the cause. There is a domino effect and years, even decades, can pass before a microwave injured veteran presents symptoms.
(Left) Veteran #3
Secondary Rays from Metals on and Inside of the Body (a.k.a Amplified Stimulated Emission or Re-radiation): Other sources of injury include secondary ray reflection from dental fillings. A 1972 Navy study highlighted the fact that dental filling sparking could cause injury. Each one of the secondary rays depicted in this image has its own inverse square law from the dental filling outward. NMRI p11, Q, 1.
(Note: The linked report download can be slow.)
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
ROS is the result of Oxidative Stress which leads to Metabolic Syndrome and other acute and latent symptoms. A number of toxins cause oxidative stress but we are learning that Strong Magnetic Fields (SMFs) are a consideration as a source of Oxidative Stress. Metabolic Syndrome is the larger result of Oxidative Stress and can lead to some, not all, of the microwave injured veterans' chronic symptoms. The reason that there are other symptoms associated with microwave injury is that there are a number of other bio-mechanisms that also work in tandem with Metabolic Stress to bring about the very distinct microwave injury pathology.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the amount of people in the United States being diagnosed with metabolic syndrome is 33% of the total population and growing. Why is this number growing? We suspect that it is the glut of microwave radiation systems that have no safety or human health regulations restricting toxic levels of microwave radiation from irradiating the general public; VSAT systems on ships, 5G on land are examples. This is the issue that no one in the telecom industry seems to want to face but will have long lasting impacts on their individual livelihood and lives as human beings. The Internet of Things or the Internet of Everything and biology may not be able to co-exist without acute and latent adverse biological affects.
Operating at light-speed, microwave radiation devices will likely outpace the very slow process of evolutionary branching. Immediate evolution is probably unrealistic and mutation may be the result.